Heartfelt Letter Writing Service

a letter for creating safe space or space in relationships

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My Love,

This is not a letter of goodbye, nor is it a withdrawal of my love for you. Instead, it is a letter of truth, of honesty, of recognition that sometimes, even love needs room to breathe.

I have come to realize that in order for us to truly honor what we have, I need to take a step back—not to walk away, but to reflect, to heal, to realign with the parts of myself that feel lost. This is not a reflection of you or of what we share, but rather an understanding that the strongest connections are built when both people are whole within themselves.

I want us to be able to love freely, without the weight of unresolved emotions pressing down on us. And right now, I know in my heart that space is necessary—not as a punishment, not as an ending, but as a chance to reset, to see each other with fresh eyes, and to return to one another with even deeper love and clarity.

Please know that this is not easy for me. My love for you remains steadfast, and my hope is that you understand this comes from a place of respect for both of us. In this space, I will reflect, I will grow, and I will hold you in my heart, always.

With love and sincerity,

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