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My Dear Friend,
I’ve spent so much time thinking about the words I want to say, but the only place I can begin is this: I am truly sorry.
I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you feel anything less than cherished, respected, and valued. And yet, I know that my actions have caused pain. For that, I take full responsibility.
Friendship is one of the rarest gifts in this life, and yours has been a treasure to me. I hate knowing that I have put distance between us, and I only hope that in time, you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
I don’t expect words alone to make things right—I want to show you, through my actions, that I honor our friendship and that I am willing to do the work to rebuild what was broken. No matter how long it takes, I am here, and I will wait.
With love and sincerity,
#love #apology #forgiveness #heartfelt #sincereapology #regret #redemption #secondchances #healing #makingamends #emotional #deepfeelings #cherish #devotion #unbreakablebond #hope #rebuildingtrust
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Admin submitted "Apology letter from a friend to friend" on 2025-03-10 12:02:25